Компанія Автознак (автономери, таблички, знаки) Chernihiv

License plate of Ukraine Chernihiv

Auto frames for license plates Chernihiv

Souvenir plates and other Chernihiv

Souvenir plates on plastic Chernihiv

Signs Chernihiv

Купуєте вживане авто? Як його зареєструвати!

В Україні завжди існував попит на придбання вживаних транспортних засобів. Але з війною він значно зріс. Через повномасштабне вторгнення рф дедалі більше українців почали відчувати потребу в засобах пересування, а тому через невелику купівельну спроможність дуже часто купують саме автівки, які вже були у використанні. Бо маючи транспортний засіб можна безперешкодно та швидко вивезти сім’ю, домашніх улюбленців, власні речі у безпечне місце.

Від початку 2023 року та до 11 вересня в Україні було перереєстровано понад 1 мільйон транспортних засобів.

Сервісні центри МВС нагадують алгоритм перереєстрації транспортних засобів, що вже зареєстровані в Україні та були у використанні.

Якщо бажаєте продати своє авто, то першим кроком для його перереєстрації на нового власника є отримання талону попереднього запису на послугу. Запис можна здійснити на сайті Головного сервісного центру МВС скориставшись функціоналом Е-ЗАПИС, а також талон можна отримати безпосередньо в терміналі, що розташований в приміщенні сервісного центру МВС.

Для перереєстрації автомобілів, причепів, мотоциклів, мопедів продавцю та покупцю необхідно звернутися до будь-якого зручного для них сервісного центру МВС.

У продавця мають бути такі документи:

  • паспорт громадянина України;
  • ідентифікаційний код;
  • наявне свідоцтво про реєстрацію транспортного засобу.

У свою чергу в покупця мають бути наявні: паспорт громадянина України та ідентифікаційний код.

Договір купівлі-продажу в сервісному центрі МВС оформляється безкоштовно. Після перереєстрації транспортного засобу новий власник отримує новий номерний знак і свідоцтво про реєстрацію автомобіля вже на своє ім я.

Асортимент авторинку дозволяє обрати машину серед тисячі пропозицій. Однак як обрати авто, котре буде на всі 100% відповідати потребам власника?

Щоб не ламати голову при виборі нового транспортного засобу, рекомендуємо звернути увагу на моделі, котрі зарекомендували себе якнайкраще.

Експерти порталу What Car вивчили скарги власників авто віком від 6 до 20 років і з ясували, які авто найрідше ламаються. Саме тому сьогодні ми представляємо рейтинг автомобілів з пробігом, що мають найкращий авторитет надійності на вторинному ринку та коштують до $10 000.

  • Honda Jazz (2015-2020 рр.);
  • Mazda 3 (2014-2019 рр.);
  • Toyota Yaris (2011-2020 рр.);
  • Suzuki Swift (2010-2017 рр.);
  • Volkswagen Up (з 2012 року);
  • Mazda MX-5 (з 2015 року);
  • Honda Civic (2012-2017 рр.);
  • Mazda 2 (2007-2015 рр.);
  • Honda Jazz (2008-2015 рр.);
  • Skoda Citigo (2012-2020 рр.);
  • Citroen C1 (2014-2022 рр.);
  • BMW 3 Series (2012-2019 рр.);
  • Hyundai i10 (2014-2020 рр.);
  • Honda CR-V (2012-2018 рр.).
  • Mazda MX-5

About road signs

Road signs are special signs installed on the roads that warn drivers of dangers, indicate the direction of travel, limit speed and perform other functions related to road safety.

Road signs can be made in various shapes, colors and sizes, depending on their function. For example, hazard warning signs are usually yellow, while direction-of-traffic signs can be of different colors depending on the type of road and speed.

One of the main functions of road signs is to warn of possible dangers on the road. For example, the "Caution, children" sign warns drivers that there may be children on the road who may suddenly run into the roadway. The sign "Caution, ice" indicates the danger of slipping on the road in winter due to ice.

Another important function of road signs is to indicate the direction of travel and the speed limit. For example, a "Right" sign indicates that you need to turn right at the next intersection, while a "Speed ??Limit" sign warns drivers that the maximum speed limit on this section of the road is limited.

There are also a large number of specialized road signs that warn of the presence of railway crossings, truck transport restrictions, the presence of dangerous goods and many other important points related to road safety.

Making road signs

The production of road signs is a responsible and complex process that requires high precision and compliance with strict requirements established by law. Consider the main stages of the production of road signs.

  • Design and engineering
    Before starting the production of road signs, it is necessary to develop a design and project that will comply with the requirements of GOST and other regulatory documents. For this, special programs for designing road signs are used.
  • Preparation of materials
    For the manufacture of road signs, special materials are used that meet the requirements of GOST and provide durability and resistance to weathering. Usually these are aluminum sheets, vinyl films and reflective materials.
  • Sign making
    Road signs are made with the help of special presses, on which aluminum sheets are pressed. The design and text are then applied to the sign using special application techniques such as printing or painting. Then a reflective layer is applied to the sign, which ensures the visibility of the sign at night.
  • Quality control
    After production, each sign undergoes quality control to ensure that it meets the requirements of GOST and provides the necessary visibility on the road. Quality control can be carried out manually or using special devices.
  • Installation on the road
    After passing the quality control, road signs are delivered to the installation site and installed in accordance with the rules and requirements of GOST. Installation of signs is carried out by specially trained and qualified specialists.

    Sign life

    The lifespan of road signs depends on many factors, including operating conditions, quality of materials, and proper installation. However, on average, the service life of road signs is from 7 to 10 years.

    Road signs are made of materials that provide high resistance to weathering and mechanical stress. For example, aluminum sheets used to make signs are highly durable and resistant to corrosion.

    However, during operation, road signs may be subject to mechanical damage, for example, in collisions with cars or when graffiti is applied to them. In addition, signs may be exposed to sunlight, rain, snow and other weather conditions that may impair their visibility and legibility.

    Therefore, in order to ensure road safety, it is recommended to periodically check the condition of road signs and replace them if necessary. In addition, when carrying out repair and construction work on roads, it is necessary to ensure that road signs are not damaged or obscured.

  • How license plates are restored

    The parameters of license plates of Ukraine are in DSTU. Any state license plate must comply with the requirements specified in GOST.

    Any license plate is official, which contains holograms, a factory stamp, is made on an aluminum plate with a reflective film applied.

    Restoration of license plates takes place on special equipment that extrudes characters and applies paint from thermal transfer film at high temperature.

    The service life of license plates made on European plates is from 5 years. The state of license plates is affected by frequent car washing, road conditions and much more.

    Souvenir license plates are perfect as a gift

    Souvenir license plates are plates that look like regular car license plates, but are not official and cannot be used on the road. They are made for collectors, tourists and people who just want to get a unique item for their collection or decor.

    Plastic or aluminum souvenir license plates are perfect for a celebration or just as a joke.

    The final touch to the wedding car will be cool souvenir car numbers with the appropriate inscription.

    And the fans car will be decorated with a souvenir number with the emblem of your favorite club.

    And the souvenir license plate with a playboy "bunny" will also not go unnoticed.

    Souvenir license plates can have different designs and themes. For example, they can display national flags, city symbols, memorable events, sports teams, and more. Some people even order souvenir license plates with personalized inscriptions or photos.

    Souvenir license plates can be made from a variety of materials such as metal and plastic. They can be released in limited quantities and become collectibles that can become highly valuable over time.

    Some people also buy souvenir license plates as gifts for their friends and loved ones. They can serve not only as a decoration for a home or office, but also as a reminder of trips and adventures.

    However, it is worth remembering that the use of souvenir license plates on cars on the roads is prohibited. Their use can lead to fines and problems with the law. Therefore, if you buy a souvenir license plate, make sure that it is not used on the car on the roads.

    In general, souvenir license plates are an interesting and unique item for tourists and people who are interested in automotive culture and collecting.

    When address signs are needed

    Address plates on houses are an important element of the visual designation of the address and help to simplify the process of finding the right house. In this article, we will look at several important aspects related to address signs on houses.

    The first thing you need to pay attention to when installing an address plate on a house is its visibility. The sign must be large and bright enough to be seen from the road or sidewalk. It is also worth making sure that the sign is not hidden by tree leaves or other objects that may obstruct its visibility.

    The second aspect to consider when installing an address plate on a house is its readability. The plate must be clearly legible from a distance and have a contrasting background color and lettering. A clear and legible font should be used so that the house number is easily recognizable.

    The third aspect to consider is the material the plate is made from. The plate must be made of a strong and durable material that can withstand the weather and retain its appearance over time. Popular materials for address plates are metal and plastic.

    Finally, an important aspect is the location of the sign on the house. The plate must be installed in a visible and accessible place, such as a building wall or fence. You also need to make sure that the sign is at the correct height so that it can be seen both from the road and from the sidewalk.

    Dignity of plastic plates

    Address signs on plastic have several advantages that make them an attractive choice for installation on homes:

  • Durability: Plastic address plates are quite strong and durable and can withstand weather and other external factors. They will not rust, deteriorate and require constant maintenance, as metal plates can.
  • Lightness: Plastic signs are usually very light, making them easy to install and move if needed.
  • Availability: These decals can be easily purchased from building supply stores or online. Compared to other materials such as metal or ceramic, they are usually more affordable.
  • Variety: Plastic nameplates are available in different sizes, shapes and colors, giving you more options to choose from and create a unique design.
  • Ease of Care: These decals are very easy to clean and maintain and require no special care or cleaning products. Just wipe the plate with a damp cloth and it will look clean and well-groomed.

    Overall, plastic address plates are an attractive choice for home installations due to their strength, lightness, affordability, versatility, and ease of maintenance.

    How we make signs

    The application method is one of the ways to make address plates for your home. It is based on the fact that an image or text is applied to the surface of the plate using a film of a certain color and shape.

    The process of making an address plate using the application method is as follows:

  • Surface preparation: First, the surface of the plate is thoroughly cleaned and leveled so that the image or text is applied evenly.
  • Imaging: Using a computer and special software, an image or text is created that will be applied to the plate.
  • Cutting out the image: The film to be used for printing the image is cut out on a special device along the contour of the image.
  • Imaging: A film with an image or text is placed on the surface of the plate, after which it is carefully pressed so that the image or text is securely attached.
  • Excess film removal: Excess film is removed, leaving only the applied image or text.
  • Finishing touches: After an image or text has been applied to a plate, it can be treated with a special material to make it more durable and resistant to external influences.

    The advantage of the application method is that it allows you to create durable and high-quality plates with a bright and clear image or text. This method also makes it quick and easy to create custom-designed plaques, which can be especially important for creating a unique look for a home.

  • License plate frames

    Auto frames are an additional element that is installed around the car s license plate. They can be made from various materials such as plastic and metal.

    One of the main benefits of using license plate frames is to protect your license plate from damage. The bezel helps prevent scratches, chips, and other damage that can result from exposure to environmental factors such as rocks, gravel, sand, etc. In addition, the bezels protect the license plate from corrosion that can result from long-term exposure to moisture and other atmospheric factors.

    Another important advantage of license plate frames is their decorative effect. They can be made in various designs and colors, which allows you to further decorate the car and give it individuality. Frames may contain additional information, such as car dealership logos or other promotional information.

    In addition, license plate frames can be used for added security. Some frames have built-in LEDs that provide additional license plate lighting, which increases the visibility of the car at night and improves road safety.

    Ads on frames

    License plate frame advertising is one way to draw attention to a brand or product that can be used by companies or business people. Advertising can be placed on license plate frames that are installed on cars. This type of advertising has several advantages:

  • Wide audience reach. Cars with advertising frames installed can drive on various routes, attracting the attention of potential customers.
  • Low cost. Advertising on license plate frames is a relatively inexpensive way to promote a product or service. The cost of manufacturing license plate frames with advertising depends on the materials used in the production and the number of frames ordered.
  • Durability. License plate frames are usually made from quality materials such as plastic or metal to ensure they are durable. This means license plate frame advertising can be effective for a long time.
  • Flexibility. License plate frame advertising can be easily modified or updated to quickly adapt to changing business needs.

    However, when advertising on license plate frames, you must take into account the legal requirements governing the content and placement of advertising messages on cars.

    In addition, when designing license plate frame ads, you need to consider the target audience and the context in which the ad will be placed. Advertising should be clear and attractive to potential customers, as well as consistent with the overall strategy for promoting the brand or product.

  • About license plate recovery

    The number plate is an important element of the vehicle, so damage to it can cause serious problems. However, repairing damaged license plates can be a fairly simple and affordable process.

    The first step in recovering damaged license plates is to assess the extent of the damage. If the number is badly dented, bent, or has other visible defects, the number may need to be replaced. In this case, you must order new numbers from us.

    Today, it is very easy to replace an old shabby license plate with a new one!

    To order a license plate, you need to have a registration certificate or a photocopy of it! Based on the data sheet, we quite quickly we will make your license plate

    Can I just make a duplicate of the license plate?


    Restoring a license plate by making a duplicate is completely legal! In addition, the police may order you do this so that you finally put your license plates in order!

    This is the case when someone (replace yourself) keeps order in your house and points out flaws, forcing them to fix or replace

    Are duplicates of my numbers allowed, will there be any problems with the police?

    Regarding license plates, everything is very simple! All license plates comply with the norms and requirements of DSTU, which means that they have holograms, a factory stamp. These parameters indicate the legal origin of license plates.

    The way to get license plates can be different: from courier delivery to receiving at the office of our company or delivery service.

    When is it necessary to produce license plates

    Manufacture of license plates may be required in the following cases:

    • When registering a new car. When buying a new car, you must get new numbers. In most cases, these plates will be made by our company, but if you want to get a personalized number, you can order it from us - as we are a specialized company that manufactures license plates.
    • When replacing damaged or lost numbers. If your plates are damaged or lost, you must replace them as soon as possible. The traffic rules spell out the rules that must be observed so that the numbers are visible and readable, and if you drive with damaged or missing numbers, you can get a fine.
    • When re-registering a car. If you buy a car from a different owner, you may need to re-register it in your name. In this case, you must replace the vehicle plates with those registered in your name.
    • When receiving named individual numbers. You can order special plates for your car with personal combinations of characters that reflect the status of the owner with our company.